Get Immunised with a Flu Vaccine near Calder Park

Given the highly contagious nature of the influenza virus, the best way to prevent infection is by getting a flu shot. To offer protection against influenza and guard against serious health concerns, our practice offers flu vaccines to those living in or near the Calder Park community.

Our immunization services are readily available and can be availed by those eligible. To get vaccinated, book an appointment today.

Complete Flu Vaccine Services and Consultations near Calder Park

As a reputable clinic offering medical services, we pride ourselves on offering reliable and quality immunisation to patients living in the Calder Park area.

At Parkwood Green Medical we strive to make vaccination treatments as simple and hassle-free as possible. What’s more, we’re also more than happy to welcome patients from neighbouring suburbs too.

Once you book an appointment for a vaccine shot online or through the phone, our experienced nurses will ensure you receive your vaccination on time and in a professional, reliable way.

After your flu vaccine is administered during consultation, our practitioners will also offer helpful prevention tips and health advice on influenza as well as other illnesses like COVID-19 among others.

Why Should I Get Vaccinated for Influenza?

The influenza virus, though not majorly harmful, has the ability to spread rapidly and affect anyone from little ones to grown ups and adults. In rare cases, it can even affect healthier people, deteriorate their health, and cause death.

Getting a vaccine shot helps enhance immunity against the virus and protects you from getting an infection. This, in turn, also protects others around you from catching the virus such as those that’s not eligible for vaccination. A fully-vaccinated community can prove more effective at containing the spread.

When is the Right Time to Get Vaccinated?

Getting a yearly vaccination is always a good idea. That’s because the influenza virus has the tendency to mutate in several different ways, which also brings further changes to the vaccine itself.

The Australian Government’s Department of Health recommends people to get vaccinated in Autumn, before the influenza season peaks during winter. However, one can always vaccinate themselves when the need arises.

Will I Experience any Side Effects?

You could feel slight tenderness, pain, or swelling near the injected area. As the vaccine starts showing its effects, you may also experience fever, fatigue and minor body aches. However, these will go away in a few days.

For more information regarding vaccinations, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our receptionist.

Book Your Appointment at Parkwood Green Medical

Qualified and experienced team of consultants at Parkwood Green Medical
are chosen from their fields of expertise with a positive approach for patient care.

Book now with HealthEngine

Make an Appointment

Consultation is by appointment.

Appointments can be made online or by phoning

Hillside: (03) 9449 4100

Romsey: (03) 5429 5800

Medical emergencies and acute work injuries will be seen promptly and do not require an appointment during business hours

Call US


After hours 13SICK (03) 9429 5677
Sunshine Hospital (03) 8345 1333


Kyneton District Health(03) 5422 9900

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