
Exercise Physiologist’s specialise in the area of exercise prescription; catering to the prevention & management of chronic disease & injuries. A combination of cardiovascular exercise, strength training, balance, core stability exercises and hydrotherapy, may be included within your exercise program.

Parkwood Green Medical provides the services of specialists with experience in a vast range of physical activity and support for patients with a range of conditions which include, but is not limited to the following:

Musculoskeletal injuries e.g. tennis elbow/hamstring injuries, diabetes (type 1 & 2), high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol & high blood sugar, metabolic syndrome, back & neck pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, falls in older adults, multiple sclerosis, asthma, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), stroke, heart conditions, depression, cancer.


  • Lifestyle Assessment & Education
  • Musculoskeletal Assessment & Exercise Testing
  • Exercise Programming (gym based & home exercise programs)
  • Medicare/EPC’s, Private Health Funds, TAC, WorkCover, DVA Accepted

Book Your Appointment at Parkwood Green Medical

Qualified and experienced team of consultants at Parkwood Green Medical
are chosen from their fields of expertise with a positive approach for patient care.

Book now with HealthEngine

Make an Appointment

Consultation is by appointment.

Appointments can be made online or by phoning

Hillside: (03) 9449 4100

Romsey: (03) 5429 5800

Medical emergencies and acute work injuries will be seen promptly and do not require an appointment during business hours

Call US


After hours 13SICK (03) 9429 5677
Sunshine Hospital (03) 8345 1333


Kyneton District Health(03) 5422 9900

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